OCTOBER brings another Foreign & Commonwealth veteran to our door. After leaving the Army Nigerian 'B', his pregnant wife and British-born daughter had nowhere to go. He ended up sleeping in a garage while they slept in a cupboard. VA immediately arranged hotel accommodation - at a cost of £800 per week - but it's a temporary solution and on the 21st they will become homeless.
"At last have spoken with Social Worker - the B’s case has been allocated to her.
Again made it clear that from Monday the family are homeless and that to date Mrs B has still not sought medical attention.
Mr B came to the office today, gave him a further £100 for food."
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" My son is desperate to stay in Britain after serving your country . . . three of our family members served in the British Army.
"With respect, he is not an 'asylum seeker'. It may be true that he is an 'overstayer' . . . what his lawyer should have done is inform my son of the closure of his law firm . . . "
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Now here's an odd one: 'X' is a Kenyan 'overstayer' whose passport is being held by UKBA. He has no official status or means of support and has been told to return to his own country. . .